This room is also about trash.

  • Real trash in the form of old computer keyboards.
  • Digital trash in the form of words that we hear in the room

The keyboards represent digital technology.
For a long time computers could only be operated with a keyboard.
Today there are many touch-screens like on a smartphone.
You can touch these screens with your hands.
Therefore, old keyboards become trash.

You can touch the keyboards.
Then you hear a spoken word loud in the room.
These are sorted out words.
An artificial intelligence for picture-programms has classified these words as dangerous.
Artificial intelligence are computer programs that can co-think.
Many of the words are about sexuality or the human body. 

Shu Lea Cheang wants to show:
Artificial intelligence interferes with our language.
It decides:
These words are good.
These words are bad.
The artist has doubts.
She does not know if this is good.