This is an exhibition of works by the artist Shu Lea Cheang.
She was born in 1954.
She was born in Taiwan.
She lived in the US for a long time. 

Shu Lea Cheang creates films and installations.
An installation is a work of art made up of many parts.
For example, various objects, films or sound.
These installations are always spread throughout the whole room.
Sometimes they also include works by other artists.

Shu Lea Cheang works with digital technology.
This includes, for example, the internet and artificial intelligence.
These are computer programmes that are able to co-think.
Shu Lea Cheang deals with the influence of technology on our lives. 

Waste is an important topic for her:
Real waste and digital waste.
Digital waste are old files, for example.
And everything that is stored on a computer or mobile phone. 
Her works remind us of the consequences of digital technology:

  • It is changing our cities.
  • It is changing our language.
  • This creates data trash.