Workshop on „Liliane Lijn. Arise Alive

Liliane Lijn is an artist who creates fascinating works from industrial materials such as Perspex and copper wire. She deals with energy and light, but also with poetry and the role of women in society. She is inspired by physical processes and, in particular, by outer space.

In a short guided tour of the exhibition, we will take a closer look at the artist's themes and working methods. We will then go to our studio, where the students will create a colourful and poetic kaleidoscope: a kind of poetry machine that delights with its light effects and surprising word combinations.


From primary school age


approx. 2 hours


110 € incl. admission for one school class with 1 accompanying person

160 € plus admission for 1 private group

Guided tour for school classes in "Rebecca Horn"

The exhibition gives pupils a comprehensive insight into the works and themes of Rebecca Horn, whose performative, sculptural and filmic works explore the connections between man, machine, animal and earth.

The tour is designed for interaction. After a short introduction, the group is divided up. Each small group is invited to discover one room independently and to explore the works on the basis of guiding questions. The pupils then guide each other through the exhibition. In this way, we get to talk together and learn to exchange ideas about art, the artist and her themes.


From approx. 14 years


approx. 1 hours


90 € incl. admission an 1 accompanying person

Visit withouth guide

If you would like to go through the exhibition on your own with your class, please register. Pupils in a class group pay an entrance fee of 2 € per exhibition. For some exhibitions we offer a free children's audio guide or an activity sheet, which young visitors can use to explore the exhibition independently and playfully. Please ask at the ticket office during your visit.

Preparation for teachers and educators

At the beginning of a new exhibition, we invite teachers to a guided tour to familiarise them with the concept and content of the exhibition. Would you like to be invited to these tours or receive preparation material? Then please send us an email at or sign up for the newsletter for teachers.