Youth Advisory Committee

At the start of the 2024/25 school year, we established a Youth Advisory Committee at Haus der Kunst, which meets twice a month. The participants get a behind-the-scenes look, meet our team, directors, artists, and curators, and closely follow the development of an exhibition. The board members are encouraged to contribute their own ideas and will have the opportunity to implement them. The results will feed into the planning of a major exhibition, set to open at Haus der Kunst in summer 2025.

For any questions regarding the Youth Advisory Committee, please contact Pia Linden (

Children guide children

Who says that only adults can talk about art? We want to listen to you and find out what and how you want to talk about the artworks. That's why we have set up the group “Children guide children”. As participant, you can regularly speak to the public in our exhibitions as an art mediator.

If you would like to join us, please write to Camille:

Radiowelle workshop with Radio 80000

Open Haus hosts Radio 80000. In the new workshop series for children and teenagers, you'll get an insight into radio production: What are different music genres? Where can you discover music? How does music affect you? Do you prefer listening to music alone or with others? What does it mean to you to choose music for others? Do you have a favourite radio show or podcast that you would like to recommend? Or have you always dreamed of hosting your own programme?

Together with the experts from Radio 80000, the non-commercial Munich community radio, we'll explore these questions and are excited for your answers. Participation is open without registration and free of charge.

Dates and calendar

Holiday workshops

Do you have plans for the holidays? If not, then come and join us at Haus der Kunst. In the first week of the Easter, Whitsun, Autumn and Summer holidays, there is always a workshop for children between the ages of 8 and 12. Here you can experiment with colours and techniques, find out what's going on in our everyday life, meet new friends and, above all, have lots of fun.


8-12 years


One week, daily from 10 am to 4 pm


40 € per day plus lunch

Family workshops

Starting January 2024, our family workshops will take place every second Saturday afternoon from 2—4 pm. Together with experienced art educators, both young and old are invited to engage hands-on with the exhibitions of Martino Gamper, Rebecca Horn, Liliane Lijn, or euward9. Children aged 4 and above can participate with adult supervision.

  • 2 hours | 8 € per person, free for annual pass holders

Dates and calendar

Family tours

Goind to the museum with the whole family? No problem! All ages are welcome on the family tours. The tours are interactive and usually include a practical part. So motivate your parents and come along!

  • 1 hour | 5 € plus admission per adult, free for annual pass holders

Dates and calendar