My Bed, My Rules is a new sound installation by Indian-Italian artist Hazina, commissioned by Haus der Kunst for the Terrace Hall. Under the name Tadleeh, Hazina is heavily involved in the Milan electronic music scene.
With a background in Cinema Studies, Hazina is fascinated by the evolution of both diegetic and non- diegetic sound in film. From Foley artists using sizzling bacon to simulate the sound of a rainstorm, to the discordant sounds of broken instruments in a horror film, sound from unseen sources defines the atmosphere just as much if not more than the camera lens.
Hazina’s sonic device is built from a combination of contrasting materials, including kitchen tools, a metallic fireplace chimney cleaner, and pieces of iron and wood. Through careful wiring of piezoelectric sensors, the physical instrument evolves into an electronic one, converting analog sounds into digital atmospheres. By skillfully utilising guitar pedals and digital effects, each small sound expands to encompass the surrounding space.
When space is enveloped in sound from an unseen source, the audience necessarily imagines what the source of the sound may be. Each person brings their own associations to this process, giving the sound a kind of autonomy. The absence of the artist creates the conditions for freedom in listening.