9.9.23, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5 €
Tania Mouraud is a French visual artist whose practice, spanning over six decades, includes painting, photography, sound, installations, and performance. Her artworks always oscillate between the public and the private – seeking to bring society’s inconsistencies to the fore whilst posing the question of introspection. This is captivatingly demonstrated in the environment We used to know, replicated for “Inside Other Spaces. Environments by Women Artists 1965-1976”. Presented in a public space, the work is nevertheless adverse to visitors as sound, light and temperature evoke an intense and uninviting experience. Marina Pugliese the co-curator of “Inside Other Spaces” and Curatorial Fellow Anne Pfautsch converse with the artist about the conflation of philosophy and art, and the experiencing of space.
Please buy your ticket online in advance.